ok...new plan...

So this week I have tried the attack phase of the dukan diet. While effective, it really, really, really sucks. I may have lost weight (7lbs) but this is just as unhealthy as being fat. There is no balance in my diet and no motivation to begin healthier eating habits.

So bad news? Dukan your dumped.

Good news? Diet! Challenge accepted!

Good clean healthy living is what I need to not only lose weight but be a better person. I have done it before. I WILL do it again. This week has shown me I do have the will power to change my life. Dukan was right about at least one thing, the attack phase is meant for more motivation than anything else, and it certainly did show me I can and will lose my spare tire. It just won't happen with a fad diet, but with hard work, like everything else I have that is worth anything to me.

And I want to thank my adorable husband for encouraging me with the following and I quote," I kind of like the Kelly that gives a shit about her health, even if it makes her temporarily grumpy."

Well Josh I am glad you like the mean, I mean me. She is here to stay;-)


  1. Keep at it. Take it from the King of fad diets. Low and slow with exercise is the best approach to sustained weight loss and a healthier lifestyle.


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