Adventures of a Rational Universe

In that world, you'll be able to rise in the morning with the spirit you had known in your childhood: that spirit of eagerness, adventure and certainty which comes from dealing with a rational universe”- Ayn Rand

This week I was fortunate to be dealing with a rational universe. Everything seemed to be going my way, and thus I believe this may explain my unusually adventurous spirit this week. We had many adventures this week as a family that we do not ordinarily experience.

Monday- House Guest (Our good friend John, thus a new recipe I will post later:-))

Tuesday- (Big Day, waiting for weeks for this day) We bought a house at an auction for very little and we are planning on fixing it up and making some money. B & N LLC our first financial adventure as a couple. 

Then there was TJ. TJ, our almost 2 year old, just has not been talking like he should for his age. Our pediatrician suggested we get his hearing evaluated due to TJ's many ear infections over the last 2 years. This appointment was not until 1pm and I could not attend the appointment due to work. Let us just say I was nervous, but still confident in the rational universe a loving God created for us. To deal with my nerves I went on an adventure before work.....I set out to find the Iced Coffee of my dreams.

About 3 years ago Josh and I stopped at a stand set up outside at our local farmers market. There was no sign, nothing to indicate who this group was, but they had an exceptionally long line, which I stepped in because I smelled the heavenly aroma of coffee. They had two choices a New Orleans iced coffee or hot coffee, being a hot day I selected the iced. 

WOW! Oh, WOW! One of the most delicious things I have ever tasted on this earth! I wanted more, I wanted pitchers of it, and IV's to insert it directly into my veins it was so amazing! But alas I went back the next week and they were not there, and the next and the next. No coffee. My poor coffee pumping heart was broken. 

For three years I listened for evidence of this magical drink. It had to be local, I thought. They were at the farmers market. (Thanks Rational Universe:-)) One day recently I heard about this hovel of a place off Brady Street. No seating, hardly any menu. This person was saying how a place like that can not make it in this world of Starbucks. I thought just maybe this is it, this is the holy Mecca of Coffee I have been searching so I googled it ( like every good 20 something) and the menu had MY COFFEE!!!!!  So Tuesday before work I set out to find this without an address( because I forgot the address from the website and gave up internet on my phone to appeal to Josh's frugalness), and sadly failed, because I was a DUMBASS and thought I could find a place without an address (rational universe thanks for the kick in the ass.) I went to work, and returned home with a heavy heart and caffeine empty veins.

Not only did I not discover my coffee, I did discover my baby couldn't hear. But the rational universe of a loving God has pointed out that there is a simple reason for his hearing loss and it can be fixed with tubes. We see a doctor Wednesday at 1pm.

Wednesday- A much quieter day, but my determination to find my coffee before the week is up has not changed. After work this time, I went on my quest armed with an address which I now have memorized 110 13th st. Davenport, IA. I found it! The shack, which might as well have been a palace of coffee dreams! 

I ordered the New Orleans Iced Coffee. I was not disappointed. It was the stuff of dreams, literally for me. No bitterness, just pure coffee goodness. I found out that the owner purposely  keeps the operation small. In this big box world of mediocrity, this company concentrates on perfection and being the best at what they do, even if it means they remain small. I admire their pluck of standing up to large scale coffee shops, with nothing but the fact that they have better coffee and quality. And for that I will always and forever prefer them to all others.

Thursday- I stayed after school on Thursday to watch Annie the musical. This was the first time in four years that I stayed to watch the musical at the high school I teach at and I was not disappointed it was great! I also got to have dinner with great friends before the show! 

Friday- Normal Day, not so much adventure but some more coffee from Redband!

Saturday- I went looking for a project. From an old pillowcase I designed a take it with you child restraint for a restaurant. The tutorial will also be posted later. Very simple but it works, great!

Now for a relaxing sunday with the kiddos, and maybe some adventure brought on by a rational universe and a loving God! 


  1. Great article on a "rational universe". I struggled this morning to find the rational amidst several miles of traffic. I loved the quote and will likely borrow.


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