Greenhouse Update - April 27th
amount OK, time for an update. To the left is a photo of the greenhouse currently. Due to the warm early weather I did a lot of planting of summer crops early in March. On account of this we are about 45 days into the growing season. I have begun constructing raised beds according to the grand plan, and filling them with soil removed from an area of my basement. Below is a string of close up photos of a few of the crop beds; they are looking pretty good considering without a hoophouse most of these crops would barely even be planted yet. First Planting of sweet corn, green beans, and sweet potatoes. The green beans are beginning to bloom, and the corn is about waist high. This bed contains the second planting of green beans, sweet corn, and sweet potatoes which have been planted as sister crops. Visible in this photo are tomatos, and sweet bell peppers. Note the heavy bloom set on the tomatos. Thi...