Moving On

Josh and I are so excited! We have just purchased a 3000 square-foot home for $27,000! It is for sure a fixer-upper, But I have never seen a home with more potential. It is just what we need right now as our family seems to be outgrowing our current home. In addition, This home will be a great investment opportunity. If we renovate carefully we should double our total investment.

While all of this is exciting, Leaving our current home in 6-8 months will be heart wrenching. Josh and I spent our first dates here, We were engaged here, It is where he carried me across the threshold after we were married, And it is where we brought each of our baby boys home after they were born. In such a short time these walls have become dripping with memory. Letting this house go, even if just for a rental, will be difficult.
As a child we moved fairly often, and I was always taught that our house is an investment and home is family. I still believe this but I am never felt such an emotional attachment to a house before, Never has a house meant so much to me. The most important events in my life have taken place here, And I will never forget it.
I am ready to move on and to build a new home with the people I love. I am ready to make new memories with the people who continue to make my life an exciting journey I can not wait to continue.
This new home is so unique and offers so many creative design and Renovation opportunities I can not wait to share the projects with you. We will be restoring Victorian woodwork and floors, putting an HVAC system in to replace a boiler system, installing a modern kitchen that follows a more traditional style, creating a library space, decorating a play area and rooms for the boys, designing a kid friendly/boy friendly bathroom (think urinal), and last but not least a romantic master suite in the full attic. Josh has big plans for the basement, a wine cellar, movie room, and train room. The biggest project, and we won't do it until the follow spring/summer is the exterior of the home. Right now it's brown aluminum siding. Yuck! We are hoping the original siding is underneath. There is a neighborhood program to encourage homeowners of the old Victorians to restore the wood siding on their homes.
Long list, right? But believe me when it's all done it will be so worth it.


  1. Wishing you all the best on this one. I know someone who is itching to give some help and design advice.


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