The Domestic Diva Strikes Again!

About three weeks ago, something in me snapped. (If you ask those at Bettendorf Chiropractic that do my prenatal adjustments and massages they would say it was my back and hips, 3 pregnancies in 2 1/2 years has done a number on my body.) But no, it was nothing physical it was the domestic diva section of my frontal lobe! I looked around my house and I was disgusted! I have living this house 3 years and there was so much I never did or cared to do, and it showed. I wanted to make a change, so I did, and boy does my house look better in those three short weeks:-) I owe all the praise for my home's transformation to my mother (Love you!) and Pinterest (love you too!) I will also give myself a little credit for also doing a lot of time consuming organizing, and pitching of accumulated crap.

  The biggest transformation was my kitchen! My mother and I (mostly my mother) redecorated my breakfast nook to provide seating and storage for under $200. It looks fabulous and I now have reduced clutter and more counter space as a result!

I won't show you a before picture because it was just that bad. Just imagine a 7X7 covered with junk of all kinds and go from there. It was bad...

The benches, cubicles, curtains and fabric on the seats (a tablecloth) came from Target. Target does a great job of coordinating their fabrics. After that we cut a 2X12 to fit the cubicles, and upholstered it using foam and the tablecloth. Target was a good choice for us because they coordinate their fabrics.  It was really simple, and only took two very determined ladies a couple afternoons while the boys napped.

In addition to this I also reorganized my pantry, my room, and the boys' room. Everything has a place, and not only that I have also been making strides with cleaning abilities!

I have had horrible sticky spots from the kids all over my carpets which are only 3 years old. They were so bad in fact that I have been considering new ones. Then I came across a Pinterest post that changed my life! (or at least my carpets') This was from the blog Lizzy Writes  . She posted a magical carpet cleaner recipe that has all natural ingredients.

The recipe she uses is one tablespoon white vinegar, one tablespoon dish soap in a spray bottle, then fill the rest of the bottle with water and stir. Spray on carpet, soak, and scrub! I did this same recipe but with a larger concentration of the cleaning agents. About 3-4 tablespoons of each ingredient.

The stuff even Goo-Gone didnt get work on came right out. It is amazing! I cant show you a before picture because I am too ashamed but you can look at Lizzy's! Mine was worse than hers if that gives you any clue.

This was anything put a fail! It works as promised! Later this week I will post my new recipe for caramel apple pie! So Good!


  1. Nice job! Love your little nook area--Pinterest is an amazing creation, isn't it?! Laurel


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