The One Year Challange!

I know this is the type of post one should write around New Years, but right now sounded good to me as well. Josh recently asked for (asking for it/ challenge for me to find flaws in his man skills) a list of all the things that needed to be done and updated around our "urban homestead" as he likes to call it.

Well since he "asked for it" I am going to give it to him with no malice attached :-)

I think many of the projects we want accomplished are the same many others want accomplished around their homes as well, so I am not only going to post the list, but show how we accomplished each task as we went, and do them ALL in one year!

Challenge Accepted! And it is going to be Legen....wait for it...dary!

Here is the list:

Install crown molding in living room.
Finish shelving units in the living room
Install new fireplace mantel
Paint fireplace
Install shelves in our new pantry, and organize food stuffs
Install TV above fireplace and hide wires.
Display family photos
Create living room toy storage
Design and create playroom in basement
Design and create storage in the breakfast nook
Touch up wall paint

Patch cracks in drywall
Reseal cracked caulking
Make TJ a new bedroom (somewhere...)

Many of these organization attempts and redecoration will be aided by Pinterest, so I also hope to review a few tutorials I have run across as we go along.

Wish us luck. We are going to need it!


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