
We have been recently inspired to do more for ourselves, and live a slightly less consumer led life style.

No, we are not hippies.

But we have come to realize that businesses and the media control far to many of our choices, and we have decided to take a few back.

Josh and I recently watched the documentary Food, Inc. This video shows how just a few organizations (I won't name names) control the food supply in the United States and exactly what they do to our food supply.  I promise you won't look at chicken nuggets the same way again.

We are each contributing something different to the household to accomplish this goal.

1. Josh is going to garden and produce organic vegetables

2. We will be getting grass fed beef from an Amish source

3. I will be attempting to can and freeze as much of what Josh produces as possible.

4. We have decided to dedicate ourselves to DIY whenever possible. (I am currently making the new purse I wanted, and Josh has constructed shelves and storage for our family room)

There is value in learning to do things for yourself. Part of this for me is connecting to the past. My ancestors did not have the ability to go to Target every time they needed an item. They had to make it for themselves, grow it for themselves, or barter with neighbor. Only on occasion did they purchase from the store, and only when it was more practical to buy than create.

Our next two posts will demonstrate our commitment to DIY and showing our children that they to can provide for themselves when necessary.


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