Raising Seedlings in the Cold

The name we chose for this site has a triple meaning. It represents our efforts to foster organic plants on the frozen tundra of northern Illinois, our minds, and our attempts to raise thoughtful and kind children. Both take a lot of effort, TLC, construction, and discipline, but we believe, as any parent, philosopher, and farmer, that in the end our efforts will be returned to us 10-100 fold.
Right now I (Kelly) am working on speech skills with TJ, and a couple of JCO classes to get an additional endorsement for my teacher certification. My goal for TJ is to add two new words to his vocabulary once a week. We keep trying. Reading, signing, and labeling give us the best results currently. Any suggestions? I may try a strategy like the one above for words he should know by the time he is two. (found it on pinterest, love that site!)

JCO is another story. I will keep you updated on my sociological and political musings as my Contemporary Social Problems and State and Local Government classes role along. Taking classes with people I would normally be teaching, is an adventure that makes me laugh at every turn.

Josh is building a green house to foster his love for growing good things to eat. He plans to add updates on his building plans and success as the year goes along.


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