I am Not Pro-Birth
January is often marked by the number of opinion pieces floating around about the topic of pro-life, pro-choice, etc. While mine is one among many, I feel there needs to be a response to those who accuse the pro-life movement of being pro-birth, and not pro-life. Womb to tomb. Support the life of the person from beginning of conception to natural death. Support the dignity of the person always. Support the fight for life, support them in achieving their best quality of life, support them in their fight for dignity, at all stages. This is what pro-life MEANS! All people at all ages, stages, disabilities, races, genders, and sexual orientation deserve to be treated as equals with dignity because we all have worth simply because we are children of God. I will be the first to admit that this is not everyone in the pro-life movement's definition, but I know I can safely say it is the majority, and we know this by looking at the organizations the pro-life movement and many other org...